S. No | Name of the Employee | Designation | Role in committee |
1 | Sh. Sitaram Jat | PGT Hindi | In-Charge |
2 | Sh. Gyanchand | PGT English | Members |
3 | Sh. Sandeep Parihar | TGT Maths | Members |
4 | Sh. V S Bana | HM | Members |
S. No | Name of the Employee | Designation | Role in committee |
1 | Sh. Sitaram Jat | PGT Hindi | In-Charge |
2 | Sh. Gyanchand | PGT English | Members |
3 | Sh. Sandeep Parihar | TGT Maths | Members |
4 | Sh. V S Bana | HM | Members |